Jul 12, 2008

New Blog Giveaway, Edweird Style

My daughter Mattie, has wanted me to have a blog for months now. What is a blog I ask? So this is my early birthday present from her. She set me up a blog. And even posted my first post.

Last night, the fish were hot. Here is the huge salmon that was caught fresh out of the Columbia River.

I fillet it, and then vaccum packed it.. My giveaway is for 1 package of vaccum packed salmon. Should feed around 4 people very comfortably. Make a comment, and guess the total weight of these 6 sealed fillets. Include ounces if you desire. Whoever is the closest to the weight, wins.

Local commenter's get a choice of it being delivered fresh or smoked. Non local commenter's will be sent vaccum packed smoked.

This giveaway ends on Wednesday the 16th, at 5:00 pm. Good luck and I am doing a blog and I have no idea.

56 fish caught:

♥miss~mattie♥ said...

I won't enter because I know the answer. I won't say anything. You can count on me. BTW, great giveaway. I love you.
Bye bye. ;)

Anonymous said...

welcome to blog world man! i am married to a blogger too! i like your giveaway. i always have room for fish! it will be cool to get to know you better.

Kris said...

My husband wants to say his guess. I got referred from your sweet wife's blog. Jack is my hubby and his guess is 4 lbs. 10 oz.

This was fun. Welcome to the blog world.

cpullum said...

15 Pounds

Happy New Blog!!!!!!!

Bren's Life said...

ok- wait, can the give away be that you'll fly our family there to visit & You'll cook the Salmon for us!
I just want you to know I think your wife is truly amazing & I just adore her...
And my husband first guess was 100 pds. He wasn't listening to me when I told him the question & he thought it was a Sea Salmon - if there is such a thing..
So how about 5 lbs 6 oz...

Anonymous said...

Ok...I'm coming out of the shadows of "Lurkersville"Ü to enter this give away! I've been loving Jan's blog for quite some time now - what a neat gal. I am feeling badly though about never having left a comment on her blog and now you start one and first thing...I comment. Turns out my husband is a "I'd rather be fishing kinda guy" so he was pretty impressed when I showed him your profile picture. Those are some nice "slabs" - according to my husband, he tells me that's Walleye talk...Ü Our guess is 6lbs. 4oz.
Oh, just one quick seem to always be doing some sort of fabulous when are you going to find time to blog???Ü
Marlene Inglima

Lisa Christine said...

7 lb 2 0z

Heffalump said...

6lb 7oz...
My husband followed me into blogging, don't feel too pressured...he is happy to post once every couple of weeks.
That's a nice looking salmon! I wish I could fillet like that, mine always turn out ugly. I don't fish but our neighbor brings us salmon occasionally and I have to fillet it myself (I got the directions on the net, but its not the same as having someone show you how!)

Amy J. said...

John wants to know where it was "hot" last night and the envy was dripping from every bit of his being. He is leaving to go steelhead fishing in Drano for a few days and his guess is 7lbs 7 oz. He better be right we are out of salmon! (John just yelled accross the house, "Tell him that I'm less concerned about how much the fish way and more curious as to where he caught them. I told him I already had it covered.)

kitchenditcher said...

Welcome to the blogging world! And your blog looks very masculine..your daughter did a good job!! Has anyone guessed 7 lbs 1 oz? Okay, that's it for me!!

Linda said...

6lb 2oz...

Ed, welcome to the wonderful world of blogging! You know your gonna have to really work hard to keep up with your wife...she's the posting queen (and we love it and her!)

My hubby went fishing in Alaska about 10 years ago...we had so much halibut, it was coming out our ears for months on end.

I know fishing is great in Oregon/Washington...and that Columbia River...I want to live on the gorge someday soon! I keep dreaming!

Elisa said...

Welcome welcome Mr. Ed! Nice to re-meet you! You know, your wifey is like famous! :>)

It sortof feels like we are guessing the weight of a new baby. So, Since Kitchenditcher totally took my guess, I'll guess the weigh of one of my other babies-- 6lbs 10oz.

I would have absolutely NO idea what to do with it if I won...

Stephanie said...

Welcome welcome to the blogging world.
My guess is 6lb 7oz

Stephanie said...

change that to 6lbs 5oz

Heather said...

8 lbs even.... can you take Jeremy fishing?? I need some salmon.

Jeremy said...

12 lbs

Anonymous said...

Oh, YUMMY!!! My husband and I LOVE Salmon!!!

12 lbs 6 oz is our guess

p.s. *Welcome to the world of Blogging!!!*

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

I don't like salmon, but I loooove your lovely wife and wanted to pop by and say Hi and Welcome!

kamewh said...

My guess is 5 pounds 9 ounces :)

Jodi said...

YUM!! My boys and I LOVE salmon! My guess is...14 lbs. 2 oz. (fingers crossed). Welcome to the blogging world! Mattie-I want to talk to you tomorrow. ;)

chelle said...

HI! Thanks for letting me play. I am looking forward to reading all about Jan other side!

I guess 4 lbs 2 oz. I really don't know, but it is fun to try. M

Anonymous said...

Welcome to blogging !!!!!
I guess 6 lbs. 3 ozs.


Amy J. said...

OK so the earlier guess was Johns guess and my guess is 20 pounds even.

Redhoodoos said...

You have a very cool blog - I'm really likin' the bears. Mattie did a good job. You have a very neat wife and daughter but I think you already know that!

My guess is 13 lbs. 2 oz.

I'm sure my husband will be on later to post his guess. I'm sure he will be drooling.

SuzanSayz said...

So the Famous all around Good Guy, Ed finally leaps into the blogging world. Impressive enough, but then to start out with a contest, I am not worthy. Of course I would never let that stop me. My guess is 8lbs 10oz.

Redhoodoos said...

Jan and Ed - my husband is googling salmon right now and is trying to come up with a calculated, educated guess. I'm cracking up! I'll let you know if he gets out a scale and a tape measure.

Anonymous said...

Finally, the husband of a blogger steps up. Great job on your blog site. I love the bears.

By the looks of the steaks, I would guess that the fish actually weighed in at 23 pounds however after fileting, the weight has dropped.

My guess is 8 lbs 12 oz. total on all bags combined.

My wife is Redhoodoos.

I don't have a blogspot so this will be under anonymous.



janetfaye said...

Yummy I love Salmon!

I will guess 2 pounds.


Lucy Stern said...

Well Ed, I am going to guess 8lbs. and 5 ounces....Since I live far away, I'll take the smoked

I love the bear family standing there looking at us as we read and comment, so cute.

Enjoy your blogging, just remember that it's addicting...

Anonymous said...

Salmon would be such a treat in this desert. I know the others are guessing heavier numbers but I think 6-8 oz per person would be good and not all the parcels look the same size. My guess is 28 oz.

MK41Win at yahoo dot com

Rachel said...

Great blog! It sounds like you were just dying to get this blog started. It's always nice to have such great family support! This blog is the first one that my husband has ever sat down to read, he doesn't even look at mine. Anyway, he says 5lbs even and I say 7lbs 3 oz.

Anonymous said...

I think I misunderstood the question. I thought those 6 sealed parcels were the package you're sendin us but on re-reading I don't think so. Delete my other guess. I new guess is just for those six sealed packets, based on that it is one huge fish. I think it is 4 lbs 5 oz.

MK 41Win at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

I think those 6 packets total
10 lbs 8 oz.

AkelaJoe at yahoo dot com

Jodi said...

My guess is 10 lbs. 6 oz. Mick (Jodi's husband)

Nicole said...

Welcome to blogging! I am a sucker for salmon - YUM!

My guess is 7lbs 8 ozs

I'm crossing my fingers!

dani said...

a big kentucky welcome, ed!!!

my guess is 12lbs!!!

have a great evening:)


dogmadre said...

OK, five lbs 4 oz ! Thanks for the wonderful giveaway!

Anonymous said...

well i aint never guessed on fish before but i'll say 17lbs 11oz.

levi young

tammy said...

Wow, Knowing it is from the Columbia River I am giving you the benefit of the doubt. With all the fabulous things your wife has told us about you let's guess about 19 pounds. I am sure it was huge!!!!

Brenda said...

Hello Ed, welcome. Love your blog title! Your wife has been a super blogging friend. Actually the first one, I believe, who commented when I began blogging 6 months ago. A sweetheart for sure!
I'm not good at math so this is a wild guess, 1 lb. 9 oz?
God bless,

Brenda said...

Ok, Ed, I misread the weight-guessing part. Can I guess again? I was guessing on one.
Yes? ok...thanks!
6 lbs. 11 oz.
Brenda :)

Pancake said...

LOVE the new blog, I am guessing 3 pounds 4 oz. What a great give away!

tharker said...

Mmmmm, salmon. Count me in!

Welcome to the blogging world Ed!

Nancie said...

Ed congrats on a blog. You're the last person I thought I'd see here.

Nice fishing. Mitch asked if he could have the filter for the car instead of the salmon? ha.

my guess: 8lbs, 9oz

Mitchellaus Copernicus said...

Eduardo, my guess:

9lbs 5oz.

The family trunk said...

ED, I think It is

9lbs 4oz.
bye 4 now. :)

The family trunk said...

Oh I forgot add me to your list If you want to.
bye 4 now. :)

Janell said...

9 pounds 8 ounces and how fun that you have a blog too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Okay, let's not stump the rocket scientist. I hate to admit this but I work as an aircraft test equipment engineer for the Space and Defense Group for missiles. Now with that being said, you have about 42 actual guesses. This is a total guess weight of 348 pounds 14 oz. An average guess weight of 8 pounds 4.9 oz. However, I love a puzzel but I can't decide if I should go for 1 + 4 x 6 which really puts it over the average guess weight or if I should go for 1.4 x 6 or 1+4+6. You got me, so I did an excel spread sheet on it and found the mean to be 6 pound 7 oz. The only guesses that are nearly alike are the 6 pound 7 oz and the 12 pound. Most kitchen scales read in oz only but there are no guesses at 9 pounds 2 oz. As you can see I have absolutely no idea. Missiles are easier to guess a target with simple math. I'll just shoot from the cuff and go for 6 pounds 7 oz. There... I'm done... now I can go to bed.


Redhoodoo's husband.

Redhoodoos said...

Jan and Ed - I'm so sorry.

Anonymous said...

4.6 pounds That's it! Final Guess!


Anonymous said...

Ooh...I almost forgot. Tell Jan thank-you for the reminder. Let's see my guess is 18lbs 5 oz. I don't have a clue, except those are some huge hunks of fish. I love the blog Miss Mattie made for you. Mama Bear looks like she had icky teeth in her mouth! Wish me luck in the contest. Love, Jera

dandee said...

9 pounds 7 ounces.

I can almost smell that salmon.


Kelsey said...

7.5 lbs
I hope I win! Sounds yummy!

Anonymous said...

Here's the math. Yep me again but this time it is my engineering friends guess according to the pictures.

3.5cm =11"n Scale :=11 in/3.5cm
w:=2mm x scale w = 6.286"
1 := 5mm x scale 1 = 15.714"
area := 2w x 1 area = 197.551"sq
area(tw):= 5"x3.5" area(tw)17.5" sq
vol(tw):= area(tw)x1"
vol(tw)=17.5 cubic inches
height := 1.75" guess
vol(contest):=area x height
vol(contest)= 345.714 cubic inches
weight (tw):=5 oz
vol(contest)/vol(tw)x weight(tw)

weight(contest) =

6.173lbs or 6lbs 3 oz

Compliments of Lane Taylor(nerdy engineer. Friend of Redhoodoos husband)

Anonymous said...

OK :) I will guess 6 pounds! ♥

You are married to an amazing woman...well..i am sure you already know that, huh!?! ♥