Has anybody heard of the Ethanol SCAM?
1. How many gallons of water do you think it takes to make one gallon of ethanol? [1700 gallons of water to make a gallon of ethanol]
2. How many acres of corn were grown to make ethanol? [80 million acres]
3. How much of vile sewage comes from making one gallon of ethanol? [12 gallons of sewage]
I am not a rocket scientist like Todd, but these don't add up..
These 3 questions should make our blood boil on how people pull the wool over our eyes. And keep in mind that gas, diesel, fertilizers, insecticides and herbicides are also used to make this one gallon of ethanol. Another thing is, ethanol eats rubber. Our cars have rubber in seals and gaskets. So are they going to go bad sooner? Major oil company's are getting HUGE tax rebates for using ethanol. Where are we saving? One more thing, I asked some farmers how many ears of corn are on one stock of field corn? They said 1 sometimes 2. Doesn't that seem like a waste? I think there are other options? I heard of one car that runs on a tank of air and can go 300 miles but not allowed in the US. ?
Sorry for being so grumpy but somebody slept in my bed. {goldilocks} Papa bear.
5 fish caught:
I agree completely. If you want to look at a wider view. With our feed business, corn has skyrocketed in price because so many are selling the corn off at a better price to the "ethanol people." When corn hits an all time high the farmers all want to grow it which makes less that are planting other items, such as hay. Which means that the dairies have to pay a higher price for their hay and in return has made the cost of our milks and cheeses skyrocket as well. Ethanol has made an impact in our lives, but I truly do not think it is for the better. I'm with you Papa Bear, but it isn't someone sleeping in my bed. It is the Ethanol people with their hands in our pockets that irks me!!!
The things that I have been reading lately, have really opened my eyes. And the rubber that we were seeing, is sad. Isn't making rubber a big process as well? Environmentally speaking? Very interesting read Ed.
That is an enteresting SCAM!!!! Thanks for telling people that. It didn't sound like you were grumpy. You sounded importent. Great job papa bear. Love you!♥!
Bye bye.♥ ;)
Corn is not the answer. We got excited when we discovered the possibility of "water" (H2O) being on Mars. The reason is because a small amount of DC voltage will separate the Hydrogen out of the water. The counterpart is pure oxygen. The hydrogen is fuel. Rocket fuel at that and will burn safely in a car. The exhaust would nearly convert back to water. We CAN run our cars on water. Oh, but wait, that would mean that the oil companies would suffer. Ok, scrap that idea. Let's just let NASA use it. You can convert your car for about $300 to be supplemented with water, thus increasing your gas mileage a lot.
Todd =)
my dad has been making hydrogen to run his mobile home...
anyway it is easy and you can home make it and you add it in to the petrol and it makes it go further...
i dont really know too much more details but you could look it up online I suppose...
enjoy tinkering with your hydrogen bomb - which is what my mother was calling it to my dad... but he said it was safe... impossible to blow up...
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